by Editor | Jan 3, 2013 | Blogging, Digital Marketing, Social Media
2012 proved to be a real trip for those involved in the world of digital marketing, which we most certainly are. Between Google’s consistent algorithm updates, the unflinching rise of mobile, the marriage of search + social, and every online marketing expert getting a... by Editor | Nov 27, 2012 | Digital Branding, Digital Marketing
Coca-Cola explains how they will take advantage of opportunities in the new media landscape where content is king. These 2 videos detail how the company will move forward from creative excellence to content excellence. This content will emphasize a commitment to... by Editor | Nov 12, 2012 | Digital Media, Social Media, Website Building
Here is a great video post by our friends over at SEOMoz. With Google’s recent algorithm updates it has never been more important to earn links directly with relevant content rather than building them in the more traditional sense. Rand says, “You can earn links very,... by Editor | Nov 12, 2012 | Design, Digital Media
5,000 entries from 70 countries. 41 finalist narrowed down to 16 winners. Needless to say, the 12th annual Adobe Design Achievement Awards (ADAA) provided an incredible amount of stunning student work to browse. Judging panel member Fernanda Saboia, creative director... by Editor | Nov 12, 2012 | Technology
A new vocab word for you: Petaflop. A Petaflop is one quadrillion calculations per second. Oak Ridge National Lab’s Titan supercomputer is capable of performing 17.59 petaflops per second. As incredible as that sounds, it’s hard to wrap your brain around exactly what...