Mind Muzic
The Most Engaging Way to Learn

- Web design
- UI / UX
- Website Build
- Subscription Website
- Responsive Design
- Conversion Ready Pages
- WordPress Build
- Email Marketing
- Social Media
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Kristpher Kaltenbach, founder and CEO of MindMuzic tells that the company started as a simple idea that his mother came up with when he was in elementary school. Mind Muzic creates engaging hip-hop videos, songs and activites to help students from K – 12th learn thru music.
Mind Muzic was looking to build a subscription website, that students from around the world could have acess to hundreds of amazing songs and activities. It was crucial that the website could work seamless on all sort of devices, and with a straight forward user experience that kids could interact with.
We designed and developed a fun and engaging website, that laverages bold colors and clean design to deliver an intuitive user experience.
The website allows users to purchase individual songs and activities as well as subscribe to have access to the entire catalog of lessons. We also made sure the evergreen, content rich nature of the lesson pages were designed with SEO in mind to build long term traffic to the website.